From the course: Cybersecurity Careers: Become a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

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Prioritize areas for improvement

Prioritize areas for improvement

- [Presenter] The goals and priorities you set as a new CISO will be a self-imposed measuring stick for your success in your new role. Now, it's very possible that some of the goals will be waiting for you on day one. I remember, like it was yesterday. My first week as a CISO in a new company, and in my introductory meeting with the head of one of our business units, I was told we removing one of our products to a software as a service delivery model and that we committed to our customers that we would have a SOC two certification in the next eight months. We could have had 50 other deficiencies in our maturity, but unless any one of them were egregious, they took a backseat to the needs of the business. When setting goals as a new cyber executive, you should consider three things. What does the business need? What will mitigate our largest exposures? And what is my quick win? Starting with what does the business need.…
