From the course: Customer Service: Serving Customers Through Chat and Text

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Write in your company's brand voice

Write in your company's brand voice

- The marketing department developed your company's brand values and the graphic design team created the logo and color palette, but you sustain the brand in every interaction you have with customers, so you need to write your chats and text in your company's brand voice. We don't want to sound one way to customers before they buy when we're marketing to them and an entirely different way after they buy when they need customer service. We should use a consistent brand voice in all our contacts with customers. What do we mean by brand voice anyway? The term refers to how your brand personality comes across in words. So if your company has a serious trustworthy brand personality, its brand voice will use words that convey a serious, respectful, trustworthy tone. Your company's marketing campaigns, product names, and social media posts are written in your brand voice, and customer services chats and texts should be…
