From the course: Customer Service: Serving Customers Through Chat and Text

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Push links, videos, and self-service content

Push links, videos, and self-service content

- Another great reason for using chat and text for customer service is that these channels make it easy for you to push hyperlinks, video tutorials or FAQs. It's so much easier to suggest these helpful resources in chat or text than it is to spell out a URL while you're on the phone. Go to http://. It's torture for you and for them. So chat and text make sharing online help content super easy. But there's a right way and a wrong way to push a link during a chat or text conversation. In this text example, the agent from Carrier Airlines Cargo handled the link the wrong way. It's not enough to just drop the link into the conversation. You want the customer to actually click the link and use the resource to find the answer. So mention where the link goes and why you're sending them there. The same advice applies if you're sending a document, image or screenshot. And if there have been lots of delays on the customer's part…
