From the course: Customer Service: Serving Customers Through Chat and Text

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Write customer service chat that sells

Write customer service chat that sells

- Maybe you work for the rare company that wants customer service agents to stay in their lane and leave the selling to the sales team but it's far more likely that your manager will approve if you try to upsell, cross sell or simply promote your company's products. The line between service and sales isn't strict. The trick is to be ready to do some light touch selling if the opportunity presents itself. Here are three methods for writing chat that sells. The first is if you like Product A, you might really like Product B. In this chat, customer service agent Amaya cross sells a gift box that complements the bird feeder the customer has already purchased. This conversation is proceeding in typical chat form. Then Mark offers a bit more information. And Amaya takes the opportunity to suggest an additional purchase. Another gentle sales pitch is the sounds like product A isn't enough for you. Have you considered…
