From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations: Positioning

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The five types of B2B business benefits

The five types of B2B business benefits

From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations: Positioning

The five types of B2B business benefits

- We invest thousands or even millions of dollars building our B2B products and services. We then turn around and ask customers to exchange their valuable time and money to get the value delivered by using them. Customers don't really buy products or services or even features and capabilities. What they really buy are business benefits. The challenge we have is articulating those benefits. We have to make them meaningful to our customers or we risk losing these customers to competitors. For starters, it's helpful to understand what we actually mean by business benefits. We can categorize these benefits into types understanding what is meaningful to buyers and whether some benefits matter more than others. Across all the B2B products and services I've ever looked at, you can break business benefits down to five: cost savings, revenue increases, risk reduction, business agility increases, and innovation enablement or improvement. This list of benefits goes from the most tangible and…
