From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations: Positioning

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Why benefits are just the start

Why benefits are just the start

- Every day buyers are bombarded with sales and marketing pitches. Many of these fall totally on a deaf ear and right into the real or virtual trash bin. A small percentage of these messages actually get the attention of buyers. These are the ones that start with the buyer's problems and then articulate a set of benefits. However, even many of these fail to survive the next level of scrutiny. This is because the benefits don't reach the level of meaningful value to the buyer. They aren't worth the buyer's time or money to investigate further. Communicating true value is challenging for three main reasons. First, value is in the eye of the beholder, the buyer, not the seller. Paying customers sit as judge and jury on value, not sellers. It might be cool, but if the buyer won't spend money on it it's not valuable. Second, value is relative to both status quo and competition. We get attention and win business by not just delivering a benefit, but by doing it better than the competition…
