From the course: B2B Marketing Foundations: Positioning

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Key feature and capability inventory

Key feature and capability inventory

- Our first step in creating our candidate benefit statements is to inventory our key features and capabilities. In general, features and capabilities are well known within a product. However since features and capabilities are the fuel that delivers business benefits to customers, it's actually really critical that we inventory these to begin our process. One sticking point is to define the difference between features and capabilities. For example, self driving in a car is clearly a capability. It is composed of many features which might include vehicle and hazard detection and avoidance, automated steering, automated braking, hazard alerting and manual driver overload. For our purposes in messaging, the distinction is not that meaningful. Instead let's just work with this definition, features and capabilities are the engines that deliver by themselves, or in combination with each other, business benefits to the customer. These benefits can be wide ranging, small or large, valuable…
