From the course: Applied Curiosity

The business case for curiosity: The greatest untapped human resource

From the course: Applied Curiosity

The business case for curiosity: The greatest untapped human resource

- Being curious is a basic human trait. Exploring novelty, seeking new information and experiences, these are all things that come naturally to us. But applied curiosity is not about just that. It's about using curiosity as a strategic tool for seeing things that others miss, making wiser decisions, and increasing influence for getting more of what we want. Research shows that one of the top 10 leadership qualities is curiosity. Harvard Business Review referred to now as the era of the curious leader. I'm Becki Saltzman, author, trainer, founder and chief curiosity seeker at Applied Curiosity Lab. I help organizations put curiosity to work to their strategic advantage, and I want to help you to do the same. In this course, we'll discuss the curiosity mindset, your curiosity muscle, curiosity archetypes, and the curiosity tool. And here's the thing about applied curiosity. Not only will it change the way you and your team work, but it can also revolutionize the way you think. Are you curious? Now is the time to learn how to apply it.
