From the course: Applied Curiosity

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Illuminate information gaps

Illuminate information gaps

From the course: Applied Curiosity

Illuminate information gaps

- When my oldest son was in high school, he was diagnosed with cancer. We knew that our near future would be nothing like we'd planned. We knew that we would have to pick a doctor and choose between treatment options. We wanted to know, who was the best doctor? And what was the most effective option? We wanted to know that he would be okay. Carnegie Mellon researcher George Loewenstein described curiosity as what illuminates the information gap between what we know and what we want to know. At the moment of my son's diagnosis, this gap was very apparent. At Applied Curiosity Lab, we found two additional information gaps that, without applied curiosity, go unnoticed. The first is the gap between what we know and what we don't know. In my son's case, I knew that there were only a few proven treatment protocols for his particular type of cancer. I knew that there were several doctors claiming to be experts about treating this type of cancer. To illuminate the gap between the things I…
