From the course: Applied Curiosity

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Avoid curiosity killers

Avoid curiosity killers

- We want our teams to be curious. We want this for ourselves, but in the real world, things play out differently. We don't always feel that we have time to slow down the process to allow for questions or ideas. We don't always feel that our own questions, ideas, and solutions are valued, and let's face it. As experts, we're not rewarded for what we don't know, and we don't want to jeopardize our well-deserved credibility. This is normal, but it's also a sign that curiosity killers are afoot. Let's uncover key factors that kill curiosity. The first three are fear based, an extreme discomfort with being wrong, an intense fear of failure, and overvaluing certainty over inquiry. We all like to be right, but if we're too afraid of being wrong, it can stifle the curiosity necessary to find new ways of being right. This discomfort is closely tied to the all too common fear of failure and valuing too much certainty over inquiry, and this is what happened to Toys "R" Us. In the early days of…
