From the course: Applied Curiosity

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- Although I'd like to think that I was born really curious, the truth is, my curiosity was cultivated. I was taught to be curious. You can teach yourself to be curious too. Keep finding opportunities to practice curiosity and curiosity will be there for you when you need it. To make better decisions, to influence, to innovate, to see things that others may miss. And now, since you've made your way through the entire course, you deserve some pro tips and curiosity hacks. In the Exercise Files, I have provided a curiosity hacks handout for you. Also, consider me a resource. Reach out, let me know what questions you have. Contact me through LinkedIn, or through my website, at Although it's true that what we see is never really all that there is, curiosity isn't about endless inquiry. It's about getting closer to knowing enough. Let Applied Curiosity be your secret weapon.
