From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

Your first Android app

- [Annyce] Our phones are mini computers that we carry with us in our pockets, and no other platform is as ubiquitous as Android. In this course, I'll walk you through setting up your Android development environment. We'll be working with Android Studio, an IDE developed by Google based on the popular IntelliJ IDEA. Its unique features and capabilities ease the complexity of Android development. We'll also explore the essential components that make up modern Android applications. You'll learn how to use the power of XML and Kotlin to create unique user experiences. And along the way, I'll be sharing tips and tricks to help boost your proficiency with the platform. I'm an Annyce Davis, and I've worked in the software industry for over a decade. Although I've worked with various technologies, developing Android applications is my specialty. I look forward to getting you started developing your first Android app. I hope you're ready to join me on my LinkedIn Learning course all about the essentials of Android development.
