From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Explore the project structure

Explore the project structure

- A project in Android Studio contains everything that defines your workspace for an app, from source code to assets and bill configurations. Android projects typically adhere to a well known structure that consists of certain file and resource naming conventions. When you start a new project, Android Studio creates the necessary structure for all of your files and makes them visible in the project window on the left side of the IDE. The project window contains multiple scopes that allow you to filter the type and number of files that are displayed. By default, the Android scope is selected when you first open up a new project. This view does not reflect your actual file hierarchy but is organized by modules and file types to simplify navigation. It also hides certain files or directories that are not commonly used. This is more obvious if we switch over to the project scope, which we can access here from the drop down.…
