From the course: Android Development Essential Training: 1 Your First App

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Troubleshoot Android Studio projects

Troubleshoot Android Studio projects

- [Instructor] As we've learned so far, Android development consists of many moving pieces. We have updates to Android Studio, the Gradle plugins, library dependencies and more. This can lead to challenges when you open up sample applications, including the one for this course, as things may be outdated. Let me show you how you can troubleshoot many of those issues. We'll start by importing one of the available sample applications from the welcome screen. So we'll click here, import an Android code sample, and then let's filter on kotlin. And we'll choose the getting started. Let's rename this to AndroidBasics. And then we'll click on Finish. There are several possible errors that we can encounter when attempting to run an older application. And this is the first one. It's compiled with an older SDK version that we don't have installed. So, we can click the link to install that SDK. And when it's complete, we click…
