From the course: AI-Powered Excel: Mastering Built-In Automation Features

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Creating a Column by Example

Creating a Column by Example

The previous video delved into how Flash Fill can create a new column based on patterns identified in existing ones. While it's fast and easy, the rules Flash Fill employees aren't explicitly stated, adding a layer of uncertainty when applied to new data sources. In this video, we'll take a look at Power Queries Column from Example. While not quite as quick and accessible as Flash Fill, it distinguishes itself by generating explicit transformation rules. This feature becomes particularly useful and repetitive data preparation and cleaning tasks. Periphery uses machine learning to comprehend the logic behind the examples provided by the user, making it a practical application of AI and everyday data manipulation tasks. To follow along, refer to the exercise file 01_02_column_from_example. This data consists of a list of companies categorized by their respective industries. My goal is to slightly recode these categories. For example, I want to change technology to tech, consumer…
