From the course: AI-Powered Excel: Mastering Built-In Automation Features

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Challenge: Predicting the population of Europe

Challenge: Predicting the population of Europe

Now, it's time to practice the techniques you've picked up in this chapter to forecast the population of Europe and to learn more about each country making up that forecast. The exercise file for this challenge is 02_04_ch02_challenge. You'll see we have records for each country in Europe every five years. A couple of tips as you get started. First, if you have issues getting Forecast Sheet to project the "pop" column, try highlighting both the "year" and the "pop" columns together before running it. Now, this will forecast the right data, but it may not do so in the manner you expect. Keep in mind that this dataset contains multiple records for each year, so you need to specify how to aggregate them under the Options menu of Forecast Sheet. Remember, we want to get the total overall population and not an average. Next, convert the country column to a geographic linked data type and pull in some supporting information about these countries. Whatever is of interest to you. Good luck…
