From the course: Attracting, Hiring, and Working with Gen Z

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Supporting Gen Z

Supporting Gen Z

"They haven't got a clue!", a Gen X manager complained to me about some Gen Z employees at her company. Many Gen Zs are independent, yet have little experience as they enter the workforce. It is essential to recognize the current conditions and expectations, and give them relevant information and direction if they are to be productive and thrive. As organizations reduce fixed layers of hierarchy, managers can have more direct reports, increasing their workload and reducing the time they have for each of their reports. Managers are also emphasizing teamwork to complete the increasing amounts of project work. Use recognition as a key method of providing assurance and positive encouragement. Generation Zs are getting more responsibility, and are best supported over time when it is transferred with explicit communication. Gen Zs can then be clear about what is expected of them on an ongoing basis, be encouraged to get help if…
