From the course: Attracting, Hiring, and Working with Gen Z

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Connecting with Gen Z candidates

Connecting with Gen Z candidates

To reach and connect with Generation Z, you need to know where to find them. They rarely use traditional media, so identify the relevant social media platforms where Gen Zs are spending most of their time. Note, usage evolves over time and may change as they get older, too. First, start by engaging Gen Z where they are, and choose the appropriate platforms based on their demographics and psychographics to find candidates who align well with your company's culture and values. In just four years, between 2014 and 2018, teen Gen Zs' Facebook use decreased from 71 to 51% while Instagram use rose from 52 to 72%, and YouTube went from almost nothing to 85%. Gen Zs' phones are their primary device for entertainment, social connection, communication, and information. In fact, in 2018, YouTube became the top-ranked learning method for younger generations. 59% of Gen Z say YouTube is their favorite way to learn. Generation Zs…
