From the course: Attracting, Hiring, and Working with Gen Z

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Building a positive workplace for Gen Z

Building a positive workplace for Gen Z

- An insurance company was having problems getting college graduates to interview at its New York headquarters. They would walk out of the elevator, into the dark wood offices and closed doors, and then turn around, go back into the elevator and leave. These potential candidates wouldn't even make it to the interview room. Generation Z are highly attuned to cultural values and their importance in driving behavior and creating work conditions they are comfortable with. It's important the office setting is in harmony with the company culture or it will be unsettling for Gen Z employees. It will work best if you use office design to create an appealing environment for Gen Z employees with a good aesthetic that provides healthy work conditions, incorporating light and plants and bright colors. Reflecting a healthy and supportive mindset. Generation Z thinks about work and life in an integrated way. So having some of the…
