From the course: OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook

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Insert tables

Insert tables

- As you build out your journal pages, you may want to add structure to the types of events, tasks and notes that you have listed. These are groupings, and it's going to be easier for you to find the information and log the information if you have a visual understanding of where things are. Tables can help you with that. We're going to take a look at some ways that you can quickly build tables on this daily log page. Let's start by placing the mouse position where you would like to begin creating the table. You can start creating a table by typing in the note container that will be placed where this mouse position is. So we'll start with Tasks and then press the Tab key. You've now created a table. A couple things have happened. You can see the borders around the cells of this table. We're working on row one of this table. If you take a look at the ribbon area, there's also a new contextual tab ribbon that appears because…
