From the course: OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook

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How to migrate notes

How to migrate notes

- [Instructor] As you're journaling, you may find that you need to move your tasks, move your notes, move your events around, maybe within the same page, or maybe to a different section, or even an entirely different journal, and this is called migration as you're moving those tasks out, or moving them to a future list, or something else. We're going to take a look at this from the page that is in view, this is the task template that we worked with earlier in this course. We have some items now typed into the three containers to do, doing and done, so these are our status or our progress containers if you will. If you are checking things off as being complete, that's great, but know that this is our to do, and maybe we need to move one of these over to doing. If you hover over the task, you will see a shape to the left of the check box, that is indicating that if we select this, we get a four way arrow, it…
