From the course: OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook

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Customize a page

Customize a page

- To help set up a journal page properly, you need to consider what is being captured. Are there ways to logically organize to do tasks? Group a timeline by day, week or month? Stylized fonts for headings and journal entries? From the page that you see here, let's take a look at some of the page considerations that may work best for this. The default size for a notebook page is set to Auto, which means that it's going to grow both vertically and horizontally as you're adding content. And to take a closer look at this, let's go to the View ribbon and then select Paper Size. A pane displays over here to the right where we can see that default setting for the size of the paper that's set to Auto. If you're going to be printing any of these pages and you'd like to make sure that it fits properly on a particular size, by selecting the dropdown arrow, you can change this to letter, legal or maybe even a custom size. By selecting…
