From the course: Narrative Portraiture: On Location in New York City

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Shooting medium-format film

Shooting medium-format film

Chris Orwig: So one of the things I want to try to do here is take a little bit more of a quiet image, kind of like that quiet strong image. I have black and white film. So just kind of that classic deal. So I'll have you stand here right on the line and then just because it's loud I'll scoot back a little bit, but then take a breath and look down and then look back up at the camera and when you do that, I'll take a picture and we'll see what we can do. Now there's something interesting about shooting in black-and-white. Black-and-white is more honest, more believable. It's a distillation of things. It's stripping everything down to the bare bones, to the main elements. I also love shooting with film. I think a digital capture many times what happens is we try to create images that are perfect. With film we embrace the flaw in the frame. Yeah, that's good and now just looks straight at me. And also when you look through that camera the world is a little bit softer. The viewfinder…
