From the course: Narrative Portraiture: On Location in New York City

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Assignment: Working with a prop and shooting with film

Assignment: Working with a prop and shooting with film

From the course: Narrative Portraiture: On Location in New York City

Assignment: Working with a prop and shooting with film

All right, are you ready for your final assignment in this installment? Here it goes. At first this assignment will sound simple, easy to accomplish, but wait till you've heard the entirety of it before you decide if this one is going to be easy or difficult. All right, well, for starters, I want you to create a story-filled portrait of some person and then I want you to include a prop in the frame. In other words, let's say you know someone who is a birdwatcher. Rather then just photographing them in the field, photograph that person in the field with binoculars. Now whenever you introduce a prop into the picture, it's difficult to pull off that photograph so that it doesn't turn out cliche or trite. We've all seen the photograph. The surfer with the surfboard, the basketball player with the basketball. Been there, done that. We've seen those photographs. Somehow use that prop to tell more of the story, not less, but somehow more to draw people in. Now how you do that is completely…
