From the course: Narrative Portraiture: On Location in New York City

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Planning considerations

Planning considerations

Chris Orwig: All right! Well the shoot at our first location in this installment has officially been wrapped up, and in the previous chapters it was fun to reflect back upon the footage and talk about some other things that were going on. Well here in this chapter we're going to take a few minutes to discuss the planning, the preparation that works up towards or that leads up towards creating a successful photo shoot. You can't just stumble onto a location and start taking pictures and hope for the best. Typically that doesn't turn out very well. There's a lot of planning and a lot of thinking that goes into creating a good, a smooth and successful photo shoot. So what will we talk about? We'll talk about gear, why bring certain types of gear, how to think about that, how to work with that gear, how to work with a location. And then we'll get into this topic which is a little bit debated in the photographic world. It's this whole idea of pre-visualization. Now some people say, you…
