From the course: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Associate (SC-200) Exam Tips

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Microsoft Defender for Cloud monitoring and response

Microsoft Defender for Cloud monitoring and response

- [Instructor] Microsoft Defender for Cloud can be used as the single source for monitoring and managing the response to potential threats. The capabilities discussed previously for automated remediation for common attacks and incidents allow security administrators with additional bandwidth to investigate and remediate more complex threats. Microsoft Defender for Cloud can be configured to alert the Tier 1 administrators for vulnerabilities, threats, and suspicious activities. Microsoft Defender for Cloud provides a Security Alerts dashboard to understand the current activities within the environment. These alerts are ranked by severity to allow a focus based on high, medium, and low-threat activities that can be further investigated. These alerts identify the resource, resource group, and MITRE ATT&CK tactic. From this dashboard, security administrators can view the full details or take action on the alert. Selecting the…
