From the course: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Associate (SC-200) Exam Tips

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Demo: Microsoft Defender for Cloud alerts and response

Demo: Microsoft Defender for Cloud alerts and response

- [Instructor] All right, in this demo we are back in the Microsoft Defender for Cloud Portal. Here we're going to look at our workload protections a little bit deeper and how we can work with the alert and response services within the workload protections for our threat analysis and protection. And you can see here my workload protection, I have my defender plans. You can see I have Defender coverage in place. I have some medium and some low severity. I thankfully don't have any high severity alerts. So if I'm going to come in here, I'm going to look at this particular day here and look at the security alerts for that day. I've got some suspicious activity taking place. And you can see I've got, it's on, you know, what resource what resource group, and then what tactic under the Mitre attack framework is it looking at. And it's looking at a pre-attack. So I'm going to guess that this is some sort of suspicious…
