From the course: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Associate (SC-200) Exam Tips

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Implement data connectors for Microsoft Sentinel

Implement data connectors for Microsoft Sentinel

- [Instructor] Once the Microsoft Sentinel environment has been created and connected to a Log Analytics workspace you need to begin to configure data connectors into the workspace. Microsoft Sentinel is only going to provide insights to resources that are connected to the workspace. As a security operations analyst, you should be planning for the sources that are required for a fully integrated event and activity logging and monitoring solution. Microsoft Sentinel does not only provide connectivity to Microsoft solutions, it can connect to industry known security solutions, firewalls and software on-premises and in the cloud. In addition, Microsoft Sentinel can be connected to AWS CloudTrail, and S3 and Google Workspace for a true multi-cloud security operations solution. Once data connectors are configured Microsoft Sentinel provides tools for managing your security operations through the use of workbooks to monitor the…
