From the course: Microsoft Lists Essential Training

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Modify the columns in a list that contains information

Modify the columns in a list that contains information

From the course: Microsoft Lists Essential Training

Modify the columns in a list that contains information

- [Instructor] In this video, we will explore how to change column types in a list in more detail. And I'm going to start with a version of my product inventory list. This is a separate list that I imported because I need to show that there are some options that can accidentally delete information if you use them wrong. So this is an extra list that I don't mind breaking. I'll open that and I want to start by focusing on this column labeled package quantity. And in another video we saw that you can edit a column by clicking the arrow in the column header, then go to column settings and choose edit. And at any time if you decide that there's a column that you don't need, you can go to these column settings and you can choose delete. And that's great when you have a new list without any items. But this is an established list. This column contains real information. So if I do delete this column now, it will ask me to…
