From the course: Microsoft Lists Essential Training

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Delete SharePoint lists

Delete SharePoint lists

- [Instructor] If you ever need to delete a list from SharePoint, it's fairly easy, but I do want to show a few important details. I'm here on this SharePoint site called Legal and Licensing, and on the left I can see that this site contains a list called Funding Sources. I'm going to select that list. With that list active, I'll click the gear button up near the top right, then go to List settings. Then I'll click this option to delete this list and confirm that I want to delete it. Now that list is gone. It's no longer here on the sidebar on the left. Fairly easy. Each SharePoint site does have a recycle bin, so if you need to restore something that you've deleted, you can choose the recycle bin over on the left and see what you've deleted. I can see that list is here in the recycle bin. So I can point at that list, I can click the circle to the left of it to select it, then up at the top, I could restore it to…
