From the course: Microsoft Lists Essential Training

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Export a list

Export a list

- [Instructor] If you need to access the information from one of your lists in another application or if you need to send the information to somebody but sharing it with them in Microsoft 365 is not an option, then you may consider exporting your list. With a list open, there's an export option in the toolbar, which opens a menu with two options but we should identify when or why you would use each one because it may not be completely intuitive. First, if you plan to open this information in Excel and work with it later or send it to somebody else who can see it in Excel, then you should choose the CSV option. And I know that may sound backwards but the CSV will give you a file that will be the easiest to work with in Excel. Let's see that. I will export this. Many browsers will save it directly into your Downloads folder, but here in Edge, I have the opportunity to save it in a different place so I'm just going to save it…
