
Dam good

Floating solar has a bright future

The technology is now ready to shine

Flying off the rails

European airlines are on a shopping spree

Lufthansa and IAG are pursuing big acquisitions


Are manufacturing jobs really that good?

The nostalgia of politicians is misplaced


Nvidia is now the world’s most valuable company

Tech giants can’t get enough of its chips

Hot mess

The cautionary tale of Huy Fong’s hot sauce

What went wrong for America’s favourite sriracha brand?

Powering up

India’s electronics industry is surging

Foreign and domestic firms are investing in local manufacturing


Palmer Luckey and Anduril want to shake up armsmaking

The 31-year-old flip-flop-wearer should not be underestimated

Solar coaster

China’s giant solar industry is in turmoil

Overcapacity has caused prices—and profits—to tumble

The LLM summer sale

A price war breaks out among China’s AI-model builders

It may stymie innovation

Wrongs of the right

The rise of the far right alarms German business leaders

At least, most of them


How Gen Zs rebel against Asia’s rigid corporate culture

Young workers are striking, slouching off and setting sail

Mumbai mood swings

What Indian business expects from Modi 3.0

After a brief panic, investors and bosses welcome the new government