United States

Explore our coverage of United States’ politics, economics, business and culture, in articles, charts, podcasts and video


The cautionary tale of Huy Fong’s hot sauce

What went wrong for America’s favourite sriracha brand?

United States

Donald Trump has finally got it right about the January 6th insurrectionists

They were “warriors”—that’s the problem

United States

America is educating a nation of investors

Encouraged by research, more states are requiring schools to teach personal finance

United States

Lauren Boebert’s primary is a window into everyday Trumpism

Republican primary voters’ favourite thing is anything that horrifies Democrats

United States

Are America’s leading presidential candidates up to it?

Americans are worryingly unconfident in the sanity of the two men

Finance and economics

Is America approaching peak tip?

The country’s gratuity madness may soon calm, so long as Donald Trump does not get his way

Finance and economics

America’s rich never sell their assets. How should they be taxed? 

It is tempting to tax them during their lives. It is wiser to do so after their deaths 

United States

New research exposes the role of women in America’s slave trade

In the bondage of others they saw their freedom

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Legal immigration to America has rebounded

Is anyone paying attention?

The Economist explains

How America’s presidential debates are changing this year

Will the Trump-Biden showdowns be an institution’s last gasp, or a new start?

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Republicans are favoured to win the Senate. What would they do?

Congressional Republicans are already considering the art of the possible

United States

Might Wisconsin’s redrawn state-legislative districts help Biden win?

Democrats hope newly competitive local contests will boost turnout in the swing state

United States

Louisiana could soon start castrating child-rapists

Why two black Democrats pushed for one of America’s most alarming crime bills

United States

Thousands of American pensioners are retiring on college campuses

For universities, the boomer business is one way of responding to the enrolment cliff

United States

Joe Biden’s best chance to shake up the race

But in debating Donald Trump, he faces graver public doubts and a greater challenge than he did in 2020
