Seven ways to smash back-to-school!
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Get organised

Ever have those dreams where you’re lost in a maze of corridors, or turn up at school in your PJs? Make sure those nightmares don’t become reality with some forward planning. Keep a to-do list on your phone’s notes, or take a photo of your timetable so you can check it any time.

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Keeping up with a busy school schedule plus replying to your mates’ messages plus being up-to-date with what’s happening online plus finding time for hobbies plus family time… it’s not easy fitting it all in! Give yourself a break and remember you can’t do it all – and it’s OK to switch off and spend a bit of time IRL.

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Don't compare yourself

It seems like all your mates are starting the term with fancy new phones and devices, or telling you all about an amazing game they’re playing; you feel left out. Remember, school (and life) is about what you do, not what you have – so focus on being your best and try not to get hung up on what “everyone else” has got.

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School life has ups-and-downs, and if something’s worrying you – whether it’s cyber-bullying, test stress or being excluded from group chats – don’t keep it to yourself; always share your feelings with a trusted adult. If you find it hard to start the conversation, try writing it down, sending a message or even drawing how you feel. Not every day can be a smiley face day!

If things are really getting you down, you can find ways to get help and advice here.

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Sleep on it

Yes, it’s tempting to stay up late playing one more game level or watching one more video… but future you (AKA you in the morning) will thank you for putting the device down and getting some ZZZs. Lack of sleep can make you cranky, hungry and less able to concentrate – so live your best school life by getting the rest you need.

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Don't be a playground sheep

It can be easy to go along with the crowd at school. Ever been shown something by a friend – a scary video, rude image or a nasty message – that you don’t think is right? You don’t have to laugh it off – and definitely don’t spread it around. Instead be the person who stands up and does the right thing (talk to a trusted adult). 

You can find more tips on dealing with upsetting stuff online here and get advice about how to deal with friends sharing content here.

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Take every opportunity

Professional YouTuber? Superstar musician? Games designer? Whatever you want to be in the future, school is your gateway to all kinds of opportunities. The skills you learn now will help you achieve your dreams, so make the most of every lesson.

For tips, advice and inspiration from the pros, check out how to Level Up!

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Reckon you're ready to smash it at school?