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Spring Boot 2.4.0 M4 Release Notes

Stéphane Nicoll edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 11 revisions

Spring Boot 2.4.0 M4 Release Notes

For changes in earlier milestones, please refer to:

Upgrading from Spring Boot 2.3

Default Servlet Registration

Spring Boot 2.4 will no longer register the DefaultServlet provided by your servlet container. In most applications, it isn’t used since the Spring MVC’s DispatcherServlet is the only servlet that’s required.

You can set server.servlet.register-default-servlet to true if you find you still need the default servlet.

Undertow Path on Forward

By default, Undertow preserves the original request URL when a request is forwarded. This release overrides the Undertow default to comply with the Servlet spec. The previous Undertow default behavior can be restored by setting a property server.undertow.preserve-path-on-forward to true.


The upgrade to Flyway 7 includes some changes to callback ordering. This will be a breaking change for anyone relying on registration order which we support via @Order and Ordered.

Spring Boot Gradle Plugin

The DSL for the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin bootJar task has been updated so that the mainClass can be configured using a Property<String>. If you currently use mainClassName, for example:

bootJar {
	mainClassName 'com.example.ExampleApplication'

You should change it to mainClass:

bootJar {
	mainClass 'com.example.ExampleApplication'

Upgrading from earlier Spring Boot 2.4 milestones

Config Data

The ConfigDataLocationResolver and ConfigDataLocationLoader interfaces introduced in M2 have been updated with this release. If you have been experimenting with the new ConfigData features you’ll need to adapt to the changes.

See Issue #23711 for more background.

Docker Registry Authentication

The Docker registry authentication configuration supported by the Maven and Gradle plugins has been modified. The docker.registry configuration option has been replaced by docker.builderRegistry and docker.publishRegistry options to enable separate registries for builder images and published images.

Minimum requirements changes


New and Noteworthy

Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration.

Failure Analyzers

FailureAnalizers will now be considered even if a ApplicationContext was not created. This allows them to also analyze any exceptions thrown during Environment processing.

Note that any analyzer that implements BeanFactoryAware or EnvironmentAware will not be used unless the ApplicationContext was created.

Gradle Buildpack Support

The bootBuildImage Gradle task now puts all project modules dependencies in the "application" layer. This means that if you have multiple project modules in your build, they will now all end up in the same layer.

You can also use includeProjectDependencies() and excludeProjectDependencies() in the DSL when customizing layers.

See the updated Gradle documentation for details.

Publishing Docker Images

The Maven plugin spring-boot:build-image goal and Gradle plugin bootBuildImage task now have the ability to publish the generated image to a Docker registry. See the Maven and Gradle plugin documentation for more details on configuring the plugins for publishing images.

Paketo Buildpack Defaults

The image builder used by the Maven plugin spring-boot:build-image goal and Gradle plugin bootBuildImage task by default has been upgraded to the latest Paketo images. The Paketo image registry has been changed from Google Container Registry to Docker Hub for improved accessibility.

Flyway 7

This release upgrades to Flyway 7 which brings some additional properties. For the open source edition we’ve add the following spring.flyway properties:

  • url

  • user

  • password

If you’re using the "teams" edition you can also make use of:

  • cherry-pick

  • jdbc-properties

  • oracle-kerberos-cache-file

  • oracle-kerberos-config-file

  • skip-executing-migrations

Redis Cache Metrics

If you’re using Redis caching you can now expose cache statistics via Micrometer. Metrics logged include the number puts, gets and deletes as well has hits/misses. The number of pending requests and the lock wait duration are also recorded.

To enable the feature, set spring.cache.redis.enable-statustics to true.


  • The reference documentation now includes both Properties and YAML for all configuration examples.

  • RSocketServer’s fragment size can now be customized using the spring.rsocket.fragment-size property

Dependency Upgrades

  • Reactor 2020.0.0-RC2

  • Spring Framework 5.3.0-RC2

  • Flyway 7

Deprecations in Spring Boot 2.4.0 M3

The isEagerInitFilters/setEagerInitFilters methods in UndertowServletWebServerFactory have been replaced by isEagerFilterInit/setEagerFilterInit

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