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Maven POM Files

Phillip Webb edited this page May 24, 2021 · 2 revisions
Spring Boot has migrated to Gradle, this page is no longer relevant.

Dependency management

Spring Boot is a multi-modules project, with management of dependencies split in two main areas:

  • A Bill of Materials providing the public (and enforced) dependencies of the project (spring-boot-dependencies).

  • An internal parent providing management for components that the project needs, while not being responsible to expose that to the outside (spring-boot-parent).

Separating those two concerns is very important as some dependencies that the project use cannot be enforced in the BOM. Dependencies are centralized into either the parent or the BOM, which means that the version of a plugin or a dependency can’t be set in a child pom.

Dependency management should only manage the version with exclusions for transitive libraries if necessary. In particular, it should not override the default scope (e.g. compile).

POM structure

A pom.xml file should be structured as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
	<name>Short name for XXX</name>
	<description>Longer description for XXX</description>

To improve consistency amongst projects, it is important that various elements of the pom are ordered consistently. In particular, the following apply:

  • The parent must be the first element (after the modelVersion) to indicate the hierarchy in which this module is into.

  • The groupId and the version should not be provided again as those are inferred from the parent. In a traditional multi-modules build, the version is common.

  • If the project generates a jar, the packaging element should not be present as this is the default value

properties section

Properties should be grouped by scope and ordered alphabetically within that scope. For instance, a pom.xml may define some build-related properties and then other properties that are specific to the project. Those should ideally be split in separate groups, each listed alphabetically.

For instance:


dependencies section

Dependencies of a module should be grouped by scope in the following order:

  • compile

  • runtime

  • optional (with the <optional>true</optional> flag)

  • provided

  • test

Dependencies in each group should be ordered alphabetically using the groupId and then the artifactId. This has the advantage of easily lookup a dependency and find the dependencies used by a given group (usually referring to a project).

The example below illustrates those rules:

	<!-- Compile -->
	<!-- Runtime -->
	<!-- Optional -->
	<!-- Test -->

When declaring a dependency, the default scope (compile) should not be specified. In a multi-modules project dependencies have to be centrally managed, so the <version> should not be specified either.

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