课程: 非英语母语人士的公众演讲指南


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- Now that you've learned the importance of inflections, let's learn to score them in your script. Let's take the second paragraph of Stephen Deberry's Ted talk and put it up on the screen here. Now, you might read the first half of the first sentence this way, "And even if you don't know the East side of Palo Alto, you might know the story of East Side disparity." It's perfectly fine and it's natural. It makes sense. But adding an upward inflection on the word Palo Alto, listen to what happens. "And even if you don't know the east side of Palo Alto, you might know the story of East Side disparity." Can you hear how it breaks up the sentence into two parts, making it easier to listen to? Listen again to the words Palo Alto with the different inflections. Palo Alto. Palo Alto. Hopefully you can hear the downward and the upward. Now, the way I score it is by simply putting a question mark after the words Palo Alto. So it looks like this. Placing a question mark is an easy way to remind…
