课程: 非英语母语人士的公众演讲指南


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- Each of the lessons in this chapter walks you through various practices and techniques to help you deliver more listener friendly and confident sounding speech in English. We begin by starting with a quick process for scripting your presentation or talk. Then, just like a musician follows the notes on their score, you'll learn how to quickly notate or score your scripts for these macro-elements of speech. One, difficult pronunciation patterns, followed by prominence also known as focus words and phrases. Then, pitch, inflection, pace, pauses, power. And finally, we'll give you a method for sounding spontaneous while reading from your script. Developing the skill of sounding like you aren't reading but instead just talking as if you are coming up with comments in the moment. It's a skill that will last you a lifetime and provides you with the greatest way to develop your confidence. An important note here, you don't need to include all of these eight techniques, but learning the…
