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Responsive images with srcset, sizes & heights


Use the srcset attribute to control an element’s assets based on varying media expressions. In particular, use it for all amp-img tags to specify which image assets to use based on varying screen sizes. AMP will autogenerate a sizes attribute, that meets the HTML5 definition of sizes, for all underlying <img> tags of <amp-img> if the <amp-img> has a srcset attribute but no sizes.

In this simple example, srcset specifies which image to use based on the screen width. The w descriptor tells the browser the width of each image in the list:

<amp-img alt="Hummingbird"
  srcset="/static/inline-examples/images/hummingbird-wide.jpg 640w,
            /static/inline-examples/images/hummingbird-narrow.jpg 320w">
Open this snippet in playground

NOTE – AMP supports srcset with the w descriptor across all browsers.

Learn more about creating responsive images using srcset in Using Responsive Images (Now).


You can also use the optional AMP sizes attribute along with srcset. The AMP sizes attribute describes how to calculate the element size based on any media expression. Defining sizes on any AMP Element will cause AMP to set an inline style for width on that element according to the matched media query. Based on the element’s calculated size, the user agent selects the most relative source supplied by the srcset attribute.

Consider the following example:

<amp-img alt="Hummingbird"
  srcset="/static/inline-examples/images/hummingbird-wide.jpg 640w,
            /static/inline-examples/images/hummingbird-narrow.jpg 320w"
  sizes="(min-width: 650px) 50vw, 100vw">
Open this snippet in playground

The sizes attribute defines the element’s width to be 50% the size of the viewport when the viewport is 650px or more. For example, if the viewport is 800px, the element’s width is set to 400px. The browser then selects the srcset resource relative to 400px, assuming the device pixel ratio is 1, which in this instance is hummingbird-narrow.jpg (320px).

IMPORTANT – When sizes attribute is specified along with width and height, layout defaults to responsive.

Read more about the AMP sizes attribute here.


All AMP custom elements that allow responsive layout, also support the heights attribute. The value of this attribute is a sizes expression based on media expressions as similar to the img sizes attribute, but with two key differences:

  1. It applies to the height and not width of the element.
  2. Percent values are allowed, e.g. 86%. If a percent value is used, it indicates the percent of the element's width.

When the heights attribute is specified along with width and height, the layout is defaulted to responsive.

An example:

<amp-img alt="AMP"
  heights="(min-width:500px) 200px, 80%">
Open this snippet in playground

In this example, the height of the element by default will be 80% of the width, but for the viewport wider than 500px it will be capped at 200px.