What is the Global Observatory on Health R&D and why is it needed?

The Global Observatory on Health R&D (hereafter called ‘the Observatory’) is a global-level initiative that aims to help identify health R&D priorities based on public health needs. It does so by:

  • consolidating, monitoring and analysing relevant information on the health R&D needs of low- and middle-income countries;
  • building on existing data collection mechanisms; and 
  • supporting coordinated actions on health R&D.

Investments in health R&D are still insufficiently aligned with global public health demands and needs. As little as 1% of all funding for health R&D is allocated to diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis (diseases that are predominantly incident in developing countries), despite these diseases accounting for more than 12.5% of the global burden of disease. 

The recent outbreaks of Ebola and COVID-19 dramatically exposed the lack of investment in products and approaches to prevent and minimize the impact of pathogens with epidemic potential. The gaps in R&D investments and the pipeline for antimicrobial medicines have also become a cause of global concern in the context of rapidly increasing antimicrobial resistance. 

Governments, policy-makers, funders and researchers therefore need an accurate picture of the current situation to spot R&D gaps and ensure that funds and resources are used in the best possible way.