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WHO/Cathy Greenblat

Dementia is associated with complex needs and high levels of dependency and morbidity in its later stages, requiring a range of health and social care, including long-term care services. A diagnosis is the first step to accessing these services.


The needs and preferences of people with dementia can be met and their autonomy from diagnosis to the end of life respected through integrated, culturally appropriate, person-centred, community-based health, psychosocial, long-term care and support and, where appropriate, the inputs of families and carers. The critical importance of early diagnosis is reflected in target 4 of the Global dementia action plan setting the goal of having in at least 50% of countries, the diagnostic rate for dementia of at least 50%.

Key figures

Dementia diagnosis:
1 in 3
GDO countries are able to report on dementia diagnostic rate
Access to services:
Up to 51%
higher access to community-based services in HICs' rural areas than in LMICs
Dementia training for health professionals:
Up to 6
times more frequent across HICs

Dementia diagnostic rate


More Global dementia observatory data products

Country profiles

Country profiles present selected data, statistics and information to provide national health profiles at given points in time.
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