Snakebite Information 
and Data Platform

Engaging and empowering communities

Snakebite envenoming

As part of its 2019–2030 global strategy for the prevention and control of snakebite envenoming, WHO is launching a new Snakebite Information and Data Platform. This is the result of collaboration between the Departments of Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (WHO/NTD) and Data Delivery for Impact & Analytics (WHO/DDI). 

With support from the WHO GIS Centre for Health, the platform is developed with a new generation of ArcGIS software. It comprises advanced tools for managing, analyzing, and visualizing updated multi-sourced data, providing an interactive and participative user experience.  It includes updated range maps of all medically important venomous snakes, other relevant information, and an integrated antivenom products database.  

Future developments will incorporate District Health Information Software data, modelling tools to improve access to treatment and antivenoms, and other enhancements to drive programme implementation and evaluation.   

This new resource sets the foundation for developing specific activities and programmes associated with WHO’s strategy for preventing and controlling snakebite envenoming. This will become a central space for collaboration, data-sharing, and access to snakes and snakebites for the Member States, the scientific community, industry, other stakeholders, and the general public. 

Snakebite Information and Data Platform
Click here: Snakebite Information and Data Platform - overview


Here you can visit the WHO’s first set of tools and browse through a detailed catalog of the world’s most up-to-date database on venomous snake species, the spatial ecology of snake maps, as well as discover the antivenom database with manufacturers’ information and location.


Click here: Contribute an image


We need your help! 

Do you have a good photo of a venomous snake and accurate location data? You can upload it here, for validation by our snake experts. Validated images and data will help us improve the quality and accuracy of the WHO's global database.


Working towards the development of a snakebite envenoming community engagement and education toolkit

WHO is focusing on the development of a community engagement toolkit for snakebite envenoming for those wishing to engage with communities to improve outcomes for snakebite envenoming; this toolkit will be a repository of both information and practical tools. Whilst the focus is prevention and first aid treatment, other topics such as mental health, disability and rehabilitation are also included.

WHO establishes a growing international and multidisciplinary Roster of Experts to support WHO activities on snakebite envenoming

In early 2020, WHO launched a process to establish an international roster of experts spanning a wide range of professional backgrounds in order to identify people who can potentially contribute to the implementation of the WHO strategic plan for control and prevention of snakebite envenoming. The group was established in early 2021 and multiple experts have already been supporting WHO projects on snakebite envenoming and will continue to do so in the coming months and in 2022.


Snakebite envenoming -- A strategy for prevention and control
The core of the strategy is the goal for all patients to have better overall care, so that the numbers of deaths and cases of disability are reduced by...