From the course: 20 Rules for Visual Communication

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Rule 12: Stand out at a party

Rule 12: Stand out at a party

- Imagine that you're at a loud party and listening intently to a friend who is so interesting that you're hanging on every word. Nothing could possibly take you away from this conversation, until, what's that? You hear someone say your name from across the room. Immediately, you look up to scan the room. Nobody seems to be calling out to you so maybe you just misheard. But a few minutes later, just as your attention is placed firmly back into your current conversation, it happens again and immediately your ears perk up. What just happened to you is called the cocktail party effect. While you are consciously engaged in a riveting conversation, your brain is subconsciously processing the entire surrounding environment and it starts flagging anything that may be of personal interest to you. And since we all have a personal interest in our own names, it makes sense that even a vague sound of your name from across a…
