From the course: 20 Rules for Visual Communication

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Rule 19: Don't let typography be your crutch

Rule 19: Don't let typography be your crutch

From the course: 20 Rules for Visual Communication

Rule 19: Don't let typography be your crutch

- Creating a great piece of visual content with visual communication as its foundation, can be a daunting task. More often than not, you'll find yourself racking your brain over the best possible ways to visualize the information at hand, whether that be through illustrations, iconography, databases, or a combination of those things. This can often lead to exhaustion and cutting corners, allowing one to justify skipping visualization opportunities as long as the end product is still well-designed. For example, the design in front of you is pleasing on the eye. It has a lot of great elements that grab your attention. It's well laid out. So what could be wrong with it? The answer rests in the topography. While also expertly implemented, typography is being used where a better visual alternative should be deployed instead. When we prioritize typography over more effective means of visualization, we may end up with a…
