From the course: ZBrush: Hair with FiberMesh

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Removing unwanted hair

Removing unwanted hair

- [Instructor] When you're in the FiberMesh previous phase, setting a specific number of hairs is easy. But once you've accepted and started grooming, changing the number of hairs is a bit tougher. In this video, I'll show you a technique for reducing the number of hairs. Okay, first let's delete a section of hair. So, I'm going to go into Solo Mode so we see only the hair and let's go ahead and rotate around to the side. You want to hold down shift so it snaps to a perfect side view and we can also turn off Perspectives so we don't get any perspective distortion here. And what I want to do is just zoom in here on the bottom and let's just say we want to trim up this hair, let's say it's hanging a little to low, so what I'm going to do is going to hold down Control and Shift and get my Select Rectangle. I'm just going to make a selection of some of these hairs here. So, now I'm going to invert the selection by holding Control + Shift and clicking and dragging in an open area. And now…
