From the course: ZBrush: Hair with FiberMesh

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Looking at FiberMesh settings

Looking at FiberMesh settings - ZBrush Tutorial

From the course: ZBrush: Hair with FiberMesh

Looking at FiberMesh settings

- [Instructor] Now that the model has been prepped with polygroups and masking, we can apply the fiber mesh and take a look at the basic settings. So let's go ahead and scroll down here in our tool palette. And open up FiberMesh, and go ahead and click on Preview. Okay, so we get a basic sense of what this hair is going to look like. We can go ahead and rotate around to see it from all angles, Just be aware that the hair is going to disappear as we do that. But you just want to get a sense that the hair is the right number of hairs, that it's roughly the right length. Of course, you can change all these, but in the Modifier is where we want to change all of this. So, the average human head has about 100,000 hairs, so I'm going to set that to close to a hundred, because this is measured in thousands of hairs. So the next thing I want to look at is these dev, so there's these different sliders off to the right. There's Density Variations, Length Variations, all these, there's sort of…
