From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview

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Working with scenarios and storyboards

Working with scenarios and storyboards

From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview

Working with scenarios and storyboards

- [Instructor] If ideation is about removing barriers to creativity, Scenarios and Storyboards are the things that put the guide rails back in place and ensure that the solutions you design would actually be buildable by your team and desirable for your users. Scenario writing allows you to describe an ideal future, where your users can get their work done without all the problems they face today. What makes scenarios believable is that you include the mechanism by which these users achieve their happy outcome. Describing how you expect users to be able to complete their tasks is the first step in being able to develop a software solution to the problems you identified. Storyboarding lets you create a visual version of the scenario so that you can see how the interaction between users, the system, and other individuals plays out. Storyboarding is used extensively in the movie industry to plan out scenes before their shot. Here we use it to plan out interactions before we build them.
