From the course: UX Design: 1 Overview

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Implementation planning

Implementation planning

- [Instructor] User experience design is useful in its own right for getting the team to understand how to design for customers rather than for themselves. However, its true value is in driving the development process by helping the team create an implementation plan. The way that it does this is through mapping out the different capabilities that will be needed in order to build a real product from the paper prototype that you created and usability tested. Because they've gone through all the stages of the user-centered design process at this point, the team is well placed to prioritize capabilities and see the relationships between different items. They know what's essential to deliver first and what might just be a nice to have item. In this way, the team can start development, knowing that they are building the foundation for a usable product with opportunities to get feedback through early usability testing and beta testing at several stages before release.
