From the course: UX Design: 4 Ideation

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The design charrette ideation techniques

The design charrette ideation techniques

From the course: UX Design: 4 Ideation

The design charrette ideation techniques

- [Voiceover] One of my favorite techniques among which all team members can participate in is the design charrette. This technique is also sometimes known as design studio. The idea is very simple, and it's easy to make it non-threatening, even to people who claim they can't do design work. It involves five simple steps. First, review the problem statement and user research as a team. Second, on your own, sketch your product solution ideas, using whichever technique works for you. Third, together as a group, critique each design idea and identify the concepts you want to be sure to keep. Fourth, work in pairs to synthesize the good concepts and come up with the next better design concept. Finally, together as a group again, critique these new designs and make some final decisions about the solutions you'd like to carry through into prototypes. Now, let's discuss each of these steps in more detail, so that you can replicate them and run your own design charrette. First, the whole team…
