From the course: UX Design: 4 Ideation

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Brainstorming doesn't always work

Brainstorming doesn't always work

From the course: UX Design: 4 Ideation

Brainstorming doesn't always work

- [Announcer] Our first solutions are rarely our best. Also, a single person can only leverage their own individual understanding of a problem. Their design ideas are bound by personal experience. For that reason, most ideation techniques involve getting several people together to generate different concepts and then build off each other's ideas to create an overall composite idea that incorporates elements of the most promising individual pieces. Working as a team to ideate and consider multiple solutions helps us get to a more well rounded product. One well known ideation technique is brainstorming, where a group gets together in a room and calls out ideas, building off each others thoughts. However, one problem with brainstorming and similar techniques is that it can lead to group think. That is, when one or more of the participants start taking over the conversation. Either because they are the most senior, the most respected, or just the loudest. Other people in the room, either…
